This was created for a magazine photo shoot that didn’t get picked up so I get to share here first!
The idea was a wild birthday party and I was asked to go a bit “overboard” on the flourishing. What do you think? My favorite part might just be the torn top and bottom edges to be honest
** sorry for the poor quality photo… it was taken with my phone right before mailing!
Bogdan says
I was watching The Wedding Planner the other weeeknd and almost fell over when I noticed invitations being handwritten in the little sequence before the big wedding. I don’t think I could ever be that disciplined! A class would definitely be helpful though!Side note: In sixth grade I consciously worked to improve my cursive. In high school Spanish I was docked for spelling on quizzes because my l’s and h’s look the same, but everyone always told me how pretty it was to look at.